Results for 'Roque S. Morales'

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  1.  18
    Moral dilemmas involving anthropological and ethical dimensions in healthcare curriculum.Ignacio Macpherson, María Victoria Roqué & Ignacio Segarra - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (5):1238-1249.
    Background Currently a variety of novel scenarios have appeared within nursing practice such as confidentiality of a patient victim of abuse, justice in insolvent patients, poorly informed consent delivery, non-satisfactory medicine outputs, or the possibility to reject a recommended treatment. These scenarios presuppose skills that are not usually acquired during the degree. Thus, the implementation of teaching approaches that promote the acquisition of these skills in the nursing curriculum is increasingly relevant. Objective The article analyzes an academic model which integrates (...)
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    Should Patients Be Required to Undergo Standard Chemotherapy Before Being Eligible for Novel Phase I Immunotherapy Clinical Trials?Benjamin S. Wilfond, Christian Morales & Holly A. Taylor - 2017 - American Journal of Bioethics 17 (4):66-67.
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  3. Domain-general and Domain-specific Patterns of Activity Support Metacognition in Human Prefrontal Cortex.Jorge Morales, Hakwan Lau & Stephen M. Fleming - 2018 - The Journal of Neuroscience 38 (14):3534-3546.
    Metacognition is the capacity to evaluate the success of one's own cognitive processes in various domains; for example, memory and perception. It remains controversial whether metacognition relies on a domain-general resource that is applied to different tasks or if self-evaluative processes are domain specific. Here, we investigated this issue directly by examining the neural substrates engaged when metacognitive judgments were made by human participants of both sexes during perceptual and memory tasks matched for stimulus and performance characteristics. By comparing patterns (...)
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  4. Empirical evidence for perspectival similarity.Jorge Morales & Chaz Firestone - 2023 - Psychological Review 1 (1):311-320.
    When a circular coin is rotated in depth, is there any sense in which it comes to resemble an ellipse? While this question is at the center of a rich and divided philosophical tradition (with some scholars answering affirmatively and some negatively), Morales et al. (2020, 2021) took an empirical approach, reporting 10 experiments whose results favor such perspectival similarity. Recently, Burge and Burge (2022) offered a vigorous critique of this work, objecting to its approach and conclusions on both (...)
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    Expanded Access for Nusinersen in Patients With Spinal Muscular Atropy: Negotiating Limited Data, Limited Alternative Treatments, and Limited Hospital Resources.Benjamin S. Wilfond, Christian Morales & Holly A. Taylor - 2017 - American Journal of Bioethics 17 (10):66-67.
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    ¿Cuál comunicación para qué democracia?Elda Morales - 2004 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 9 (24):67-77.
    The anal y sis is based on a the ory that con cen trates on com mu ni ca tion as the axis of in ter me di a tion be tween pol i tics and de moc - racy. It at tempts to an swer the ques tions: i) Should pol i tics be de fined as a com mu ni ca tive fact?, ii) Can so ci ety’s com mu ni ca tive sy..
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    Bruce Baum, Rereading Power and Freedom in J. S. Mill, Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 2000, pp. 360.Maria Helena Morales - 2001 - Utilitas 13 (3):378.
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    Studying the Role of Financial Incentives to Promote Hepatitis B Vaccination in a Community Clinic.Benjamin S. Wilfond, Christian Morales & Holly A. Taylor - 2016 - American Journal of Bioethics 16 (10):75-76.
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    Food Systems: (Im)practical Interactions.Alfonso Morales - 2019 - The Pluralist 14 (1):21-46.
    virgilee's smile brightens the gloaming, some sunlight penetrates the low-lying clouds, but a persistent mist hides merchants from one another. She sweeps her arm around this eerie scene and conjures up the attraction of the Market. So many people learned about business here, their kids are now in business all over the City. You're free here; everybody is doing their own thing at their own pace. Folks working here want to be successful. At work you go by the other guys' (...)
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    Is there (or should there be) a right to basic income?Jurgen De Wispelaere & Leticia Morales - 2016 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 42 (9):920-936.
    A basic income is typically defined as an individual’s entitlement to receive a regular payment as a right, independent of other sources of income, employment or willingness to work, or living situation. In this article, we examine what it means for the state to institute a right to basic income. The normative literature on basic income has developed numerous arguments in support of basic income as an inextricable component of a just social order, but there exists little analysis about basic (...)
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  11. Introspection Is Signal Detection.Jorge Morales - forthcoming - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
    Introspection is a fundamental part of our mental lives. Nevertheless, its reliability and its underlying cognitive architecture have been widely disputed. Here, I propose a principled way to model introspection. By using time-tested principles from signal detection theory (SDT) and extrapolating them from perception to introspection, I offer a new framework for an introspective signal detection theory (iSDT). In SDT, the reliability of perceptual judgments is a function of the strength of an internal perceptual response (signal- to-noise ratio) which is, (...)
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  12. Perfect Equality: John Stuart Mill on Well-Constituted Communities.Wendy Donner & Maria H. Morales - 1998 - Philosophical Review 107 (2):337.
    Maria Morales’s striking and thought-provoking argument in Perfect Equality is that John Stuart Mill’s egalitarianism unifies his practical philosophy and that this element of his thought has been neglected in recent revisionary scholarship. Placing Mill’s arguments for the substantive value of “perfect equality” in The Subjection of Women at the center of her analysis, Morales develops a distinctive interpretation of Mill as an egalitarian liberal. Morales also aims to counter many recent communitarian critiques of liberalism as founded (...)
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    Perfect Equality: John Stuart Mill on Well-constituted Communities.Maria H. Morales - 1996 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    This original and compelling book argues that previous studies of John Stuart Mill's work have neglected his egalitarianism and thus seriously misunderstood his views. Morales demonstrates that Mill was fundamentally concerned with how the exercise of unjust or arbitrary power by some individuals over others sabotages the possibility of human well-being and social improvement. Mill therefore believed that 'perfect equality'--more than liberty--was the foundation of democracy and that democracy was a moral ideal for the organization of human life in (...)
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  14. A Story of Hilbert’s Tenth Problem.Laura Morales Guerrero - 2016 - In Alberto Policriti & Eugenio Omodeo (eds.), Martin Davis on Computability, Computational Logic, and Mathematical Foundations. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag.
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  15. Tracing the origins of consciousness.Jorge Morales - 2023 - Philosophical Psychology 36 (4):767-771.
  16.  37
    Genes and genomes: Carrier detection of deletions in female relatives of X‐linked disorders by non‐isotopic in situ hybridisation.M. Adinolfi, S. Stone & D. Moralli - 1992 - Bioessays 14 (6):421-426.
    Recent studies suggest that a non‐isotopic in situ hybridisation (NISH) approach can be successfully employed to investigate the carrier status of female relatives in families of selected patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) or Hunter syndrome, whose diseases are due to a specific X chromosome deletion.Whilst the majority of metaphase spreads from normal females show specific hybridisation signals on both X chromosomes when tested with either dystrophin or Hunter gene‐derived probes, only one X chromosome in each metaphase spread will show (...)
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  17. Dos argumentos sobre la unidad de las virtudes en Platón: Protágoras 329b-332ª.Fabio Morales - 2008 - Dikaiosyne 21 (11):59-71.
    Se discuten dos argumentos del diálogo Protágoras sobre la relación entre las virtudes individuales. En primer lugar se defiende -frente a Terry Penner- la tesis de Vlastos de que cuando Sócrates dice que "la justicia es justa", "la justicia es piadosa", etc., está destacando la mutua implicación entre las virtudes, y no su identidad; y se formula una hipótesis para explicar la razón de tal reciprocidad. En segundo lugar, se examina el argumento de que, puesto que la insensatez se opone (...)
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    Postmillennial cancer narratives: feminism and postfeminism in Eve Ensler’s In the Body of the World.Marta Fernández-Morales - 2020 - Feminist Theory 21 (2):235-252.
    In the context of a new wave of women’s activism for equality, the body is once again at the centre of the discussion today, in the USA and globally. Analysing American discourses about health and illness at the turn of the twenty-first century, Tasha Dubriwny has argued that the current narratives are dominated by neoliberal and postfeminist philosophies that have thrived in a framework of biomedicalisation and self-surveillance. What happens, then, when a successful feminist artist is diagnosed with uterine cancer? (...)
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    Ethical Considerations for Unblinding a Participant’s Assignment to Interpret a Resolved Adverse Event.Benjamin S. Wilfond, Christian Morales, Liza-Marie Johnson & Holly A. Taylor - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics 18 (10):66-67.
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  20. Confidence Tracks Consciousness.Jorge Morales & Hakwan Lau - 2022 - In Josh Weisberg (ed.), Qualitative Consciousness: Themes From the Philosophy of David Rosenthal. New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press. pp. 91-105.
    Consciousness and confidence seem intimately related. Accordingly, some researchers use confidence ratings as a measure of, or proxy for, consciousness. Rosenthal discusses the potential connections between the two, and rejects confidence as a valid measure of consciousness. He argues that there are better alternatives to get at conscious experiences such as direct subjective reports of awareness (i.e. subjects’ reports of perceiving something or of the degree of visibility of a stimulus). In this chapter, we offer a different perspective. Confidence ratings (...)
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  21. Emergent Agent Causation.Juan Morales - 2023 - Synthese 201:138.
    In this paper I argue that many scholars involved in the contemporary free will debates have underappreciated the philosophical appeal of agent causation because the resources of contemporary emergentism have not been adequately introduced into the discussion. Whereas I agree that agent causation’s main problem has to do with its intelligibility, particularly with respect to the issue of how substances can be causally relevant, I argue that the notion of substance causation can be clearly articulated from an emergentist framework. According (...)
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    On Aspects, Identity Theory, and the Dual Aspect Account.D. Job Morales - forthcoming - Erkenntnis:1-14.
    On the powerful qualities view, every fundamental property is both dispositional and qualitative. Identity theory is the standard account of the view, which makes the stronger claim that a property’s dispositionality and qualitativity are identical to each other, and identical to the property itself. Recent defences of the powerful qualities view have involved novel theories of powerful qualities which are not also variants of identity theory. Giannotti (Erkenntnis 86:603–621, 2021a) has suggested a novel theory of his own, the dual aspect (...)
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  23.  13
    Rasch Analysis of Authentic Evaluation of Young Children's Functioning in Classroom Routines.Catalina Patricia Morales-Murillo, Pau García-Grau, R. A. McWilliam & Ma Dolores Grau Sevilla - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    This study evaluated the functioning of children in early childhood education classroom routines, using the 3M Functioning in Preschool Routines Scale. A total of 366 children aged 36 to 70 months and 22 teachers from six early childhood education centers in Spain participated in the study. The authors used the Rasch model to determine the item fit and the difficulty of the items in relation to children's ability levels in this age range. The Rasch Differential Item Functioning analysis by child (...)
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    As If It Were Nature. A Phenomenological Reading of the Concept of Natural Beauty.Alfonso Hoyos Morales - 2024 - Journal of Aesthetics and Phenomenology 11 (1):81-99.
    When we talk about natural beauty perhaps we think of the products or forces that we commonly associate with nature: rivers, birds, trees, the sky, the moon, the sun, and so on. That is, objects that, we assume, have not been generated by human technique such as chairs, computer tables or works of art. However, this presentation will approach a non-objectifying perspective of nature. Trying to return to Kant’s and Schiller’s interpretation of beauty, that of both art and nature, I (...)
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    Comentarios Críticos a "Husserl: ¿Fenomenología de la Matemática?" De Miguel Hernando Guamanga, Eidos, 36, 171-193.Luis Alberto Canela Morales - 2022 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 37:304-311.
    RESUMEN Un atento repaso por la concepción de la violencia chulhaniana en el contexto de las formas tradicionales que han estudiado este fenómeno social permite exponer con mayor detalle y claridad esta propuesta en cuanto a la relación con el otro se refiere. Cuando lo sucedido durante el colonialismo que azotó al mundo en el transcurso de los siglos XVIII y XIX se asumía como las más peligrosas acciones cometidas en procura de la supresión de las características propias de cada (...)
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    aproximación a la idea de amistad en el epistolario de Paulino de Nola.Arturo Morales - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (2):1-12.
    La perspectiva de la amistad en la antigüedad tardía constituye un considerable horizonte de reflexión y análisis. Este trabajo pretende delimitar las características singulares de la amistad en el mundo cristiano del s. IV d. C. y, más concretamente, ahondar en el legado epistolar de Paulino de Nola, considerado uno de los grandes referentes de la época patrística, y cuyos postulados reflejan una incidencia notoria de la amistad. Por eso, en un primer momento, ofreceré una visión general de su vida; (...)
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    Recognizing Personality Traits Using Consumer Behavior Patterns in a Virtual Retail Store.Jaikishan Khatri, Javier Marín-Morales, Masoud Moghaddasi, Jaime Guixeres, Irene Alice Chicchi Giglioli & Mariano Alcañiz - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Virtual reality is a useful tool to study consumer behavior while they are immersed in a realistic scenario. Among several other factors, personality traits have been shown to have a substantial influence on purchasing behavior. The primary objective of this study was to classify consumers based on the Big Five personality domains using their behavior while performing different tasks in a virtual shop. The personality recognition was ascertained using behavioral measures received from VR hardware, including eye-tracking, navigation, posture and interaction. (...)
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    Antigone rising: the subversive power of the ancient myths.Helen Morales - 2020 - New York: Bold Type Books.
    The picture of classical antiquity most of us learned in school is framed in certain ways -- glossing over misogyny while omitting the seeds of feminist resistance. Many of today's harmful practices, like school dress codes, exploitation of the environment, and rape culture, have their roots in the ancient world. But in Antigone Rising, classicist Helen Morales reminds us that the myths have subversive power because they are told -- and read -- in different ways. Through these stories, whether (...)
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    A general definition of the concept of chemical speciation, chemical species transformation and chemical species evolution based on a semantics of meaning.Waldo Quiroz, Roberto Morales-Aguilar & Pablo A. Perez - forthcoming - Foundations of Chemistry:1-17.
    The concept of a “chemical speciation”, as defined by in the year 2000, is grounded in an empiricist semantics. It is a static concept, as it is associated with the ontological category of the chemical state of the distribution of chemical species in a system and is further restricted to chemical species of a single element as it excludes chemical species with more complex chemical systemic subunits, such as molecular species, crystals, or nanoparticles. In this work, we propose a new (...)
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    Quantum Mechanics and the Principle of Least Radix Economy.Vladimir Garcia-Morales - 2015 - Foundations of Physics 45 (3):295-332.
    A new variational method, the principle of least radix economy, is formulated. The mathematical and physical relevance of the radix economy, also called digit capacity, is established, showing how physical laws can be derived from this concept in a unified way. The principle reinterprets and generalizes the principle of least action yielding two classes of physical solutions: least action paths and quantum wavefunctions. A new physical foundation of the Hilbert space of quantum mechanics is then accomplished and it is used (...)
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    Coping Behaviors and Psychological Disturbances in Youth Affected by the COVID-19 Health Crisis.Mireia Orgilés, Alexandra Morales, Elisa Delvecchio, Rita Francisco, Claudia Mazzeschi, Marta Pedro & José Pedro Espada - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The COVID-19 pandemic and the quarantine undergone by children in many countries is a stressful situation about which little is known to date. Children and adolescents' behaviors to cope with home confinement may be associated with their emotional welfare. The objectives of this study were: to examine the coping strategies used out by children and adolescents during the COVID-19 health crisis, to analyze the differences in these behaviors in three countries, and to examine the relationship between different coping modalities and (...)
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  32. Measuring away an attentional confound?Jorge Morales, Yasha Mouradi, Claire Sergent, Ned Block, Vincent Taschereau-Dumouchel, David Rosenthal, Piercesare Grimaldi & Hakwan Lau - 2017 - Neuroscience of Consciousness 3 (1):1-3.
    A recent fMRI study by Webb et al. (Cortical networks involved in visual awareness independent of visual attention, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2016;113:13923–28) proposes a new method for finding the neural correlates of awareness by matching atten- tion across awareness conditions. The experimental design, however, seems at odds with known features of attention. We highlight logical and methodological points that are critical when trying to disentangle attention and awareness.
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    Analysis of Unemployment in Chimborazo Post Pandemic.Edwin Patricio Pomboza-Junez, Norberto Morales-Merchan, Mariela del Pilar Mayorga-Almeida & Edison Vinicio Calderón-Moran - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:294-312.
    This is a literature review study, of unemployment which is widespread in today's societies, where individuals with work capacity, find themselves without employment activity due to a lack of opportunities or simply because they cannot find a job. The research aims to learn and understand the causes of unemployment and underemployment in Ecuador, particularly in the Province of Chimborazo during the years 2021-2022. To achieve this we have relied on the collection of statistical data and its subsequent analysis, interpretation, judgment, (...)
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    La mujer ante el espejo: estudios corporales.Roberto Morales Estévez - 2014 - Alpha (Osorno) 39:315-319.
    Se exponen las prácticas docentes de las educadoras de párvulos, que cumplen una función reproductora del nacionalismo que es internalizado en las niñas y niños como la ciudadanía chilena. Para ello, configuran un escenario lúdico que ritualiza la conducta cívica y patriótica, por medio de conmemoraciones cívicas fundadas en el belicismo de la guerra del Pacífico, sin considerar la realidad cosmopolita y de diversidad cultural presente en las aulas nortinas. A partir de esto, proponemos una nueva perspectiva respecto de la (...)
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  35.  21
    Piedad de la Cierva en la retaguardia de la ciencia y del feminismo.Giovanni Zen & Isabel Morales - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (3):1-10.
    En el contexto feminista español de los años 30, Piedad de la Cierva, destacada científica murciana, no pertenecía a ninguna organización feminista de lucha por los derechos de las mujeres. Sin embargo, destacó gracias a su esfuerzo y trabajo. El objetivo del presente artículo es demostrar cómo la científica española Piedad de la Cierva alcanzó metas personales, científicas y humanas, y qué relevante e inspiradora puede ser para otras mujeres científicas pasadas y presentes frente a las expectativas y presiones de (...)
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    Platón en la relación intelectual de Eric Voegelin y Leo Strauss.Bernat Torres Morales & Josep Monserrat Molas - 2011 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 28:275-302.
    This essay examines the relationship between Eric Voegelin and Leo Strauss in order to show the central themes necessary to elucidate their philosophical positions. The essay reveals the centrality of the figure of Plato as a point of departure to understand the agreement and the disagreement concerning fundamental questions (such as the way of reading ancient texts, the importance of the historical perspective or the importance of the study of the past in order to orient the modern science) which revolves (...)
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    Agroecological management of spontaneous vegetation in Bachajón’s Tseltal Maya milpa: a preventive focus.Betsabe Guillen Pasillas, Helda Morales, Bruce G. Ferguson, Evelio Gómez Hernández, Guadalupe del Carmen Álvarez Gordillo & Mateo Mier Y. Terán Giménez Cacho - 2023 - Agriculture and Human Values 41 (1):331-344.
    In recent years, a great deal of evidence has accumulated on the health risks and environmental impacts of some herbicides. Both conventional agriculture and agroecology are searching for alternatives to address the challenges posed by the consequences of herbicide use. In this search, peasant and indigenous agroecosystems have much to contribute since their crops evolved thousands of years ago together with diverse communities of weeds, and farmers have carried out sophisticated strategies to manage them. Through participant observation, semi-structured interviews, free (...)
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    Effects of an Educational Hybrid Physical Education Program on Physical Fitness, Body Composition and Sedentary and Physical Activity Times in Adolescents: The Seneb’s Enigma.David Melero-Cañas, Vicente Morales-Baños, David Manzano-Sánchez, Dani Navarro-Ardoy & Alfonso Valero-Valenzuela - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Physical activity, body composition and sedentary behavior may affect the health of children. Therefore, this study examined the effect of an educational hybrid physical education program on physical fitness, body composition and sedentary and PA times in adolescents. A 9-month group-randomized controlled trial was conducted in 150 participants allocated into the control group and experimental group. Cardiorespiratory fitness, speed, strength, agility, flexibility and body mass index were assessed through previously validated field tests. Sedentary time, PA at school and afterschool were (...)
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    Closed Financial Loops: When They Happen in Government, They're Called Corruption; in Medicine, They're Just a Footnote.Kevin Jesus-Morales & Vinay Prasad - 2017 - Hastings Center Report 47 (3):9-14.
    Many physicians are involved in relationships that create tension between a physician's duty to work in her patients’ best interest at all times and her financial arrangement with a third party, most often a pharmaceutical manufacturer, whose primary goal is maximizing sales or profit. Despite the prevalence of this threat, in the United States and globally, the most common reaction to conflicts of interest in medicine is timid acceptance. There are few calls for conflicts of interest to be banned, and, (...)
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    ¿Hegel filósofo de la diferencia? Reflexiones sobre la concepción hegeliana de la identidad 1.Camilo Andrés Morales - 2017 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 58 (138):491-508.
    RESUMEN La filosofía hegeliana en general, y en particular la “Ciencia de la lógica” y el tratamiento que en esta se hace sobre nociones como las de identidad y diferencia, generaron desde el momento mismo en que vio la luz, un sinnúmero de posiciones críticas tales como las de Schelling, los hegelianos de izquierda y, en general, de todos aquellos filósofos que, en virtud de las posibles implicaciones prácticas de una filosofía de la identidad buscaron “expurgar la semilla del dragón (...)
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    The Benefits of Auditors’ Sustained Ethical Behavior: Increased Trust and Reduced Costs.Rafael Morales-Sánchez, Manuel Orta-Pérez & M. Ángeles Rodríguez-Serrano - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 166 (2):441-459.
    Studies demonstrating the benefits of ethical behavior at an individual level are scarce. The business ethics literature centers its analysis on unethical behaviors and their consequences, rather than ethical behaviors and their benefits. There is now considerable debate on the role of auditors in society and the function of accounting firms in the free market capitalist system. Specifically, the eminently ethical nature of the auditor’s work has been highlighted. Therefore, the aim of our paper is to show the impact of (...)
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    An explanation space to align user studies with the technical development of Explainable AI.Garrick Cabour, Andrés Morales-Forero, Élise Ledoux & Samuel Bassetto - 2023 - AI and Society 38 (2):869-887.
    Providing meaningful and actionable explanations for end-users is a situated problem requiring the intersection of multiple disciplines to address social, operational, and technical challenges. However, the explainable artificial intelligence community has not commonly adopted or created tangible design tools that allow interdisciplinary work to develop reliable AI-powered solutions. This paper proposes a formative architecture that defines the explanation space from a user-inspired perspective. The architecture comprises five intertwined components to outline explanation requirements for a task: (1) the end-users’ mental models, (...)
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    Perception of Actors who Participate in Inclusive Educational Programs in Higher Education.Paz Morales Bacarrezza & María Consuelo Aguilera Cortés - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (1):81-91.
    It is relevant to interpret the perception that students with disabilities, teachers, and managers have about an inclusive educational program, to identify and describe the facilitators and barriers during the training of those students; analyze the relevance of the inclusive program from the perceptions of the participating actors; and assess the program's supports from the perception of students with disabilities. This is a mixed investigation of sequential design and phenomenological approach carried out through surveys and in-depth interviews with the actors.
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    Subjective Well-Being and Schools in South Africa: A Post-COVID-19 Analysis.Rommy Morales-Olivares, Carlos Aguirre-Nuñez, Lorena Nuñez-Carrasco & Felipe Ulloa-León - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    From the analysis of the Wave 5 National Income Dynamics Study – Coronavirus Rapid Mobile Survey 2021 dataset, the study conducted in South Africa, we developed a model of analysis based on three dimensions, namely, subjective well-being, material living conditions, and importance attributed to education during the COVID-19 pandemic. A cross-sectional analysis of the data for Gauteng area indicates that the dimension of subjective well-being of families in South Africa—even in relation to the factors such as conditions of deprivation —does (...)
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  45. Repensando o trabalho.S. J. Roque Cabral - 1999 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 55 (4):403-411.
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    Diéguez Lucena, Antonio. La evolución del conocimiento. De la mente animal a la mente humana.Morales Juan Diego & Alejandro Rosas - 2012 - Ideas Y Valores 61 (150):289-298.
    Se busca rastrear la imagen que Platón tiene de Heráclito y articularla con la estructura argumentativa del Cratilo, para comprender las necesidades textuales a las que responde la doctrina del flujo perpetuo, es decir, la discusión sobre la corrección (ὀρθότης) del nombre. Gracias a la inclusión del testimonio heraclíteo, resulta posible rastrear la presunta consolidación de la tesis sobre los nombres primarios y los secundarios como el eje de la separación entre dos planos de realidad (uno estable y uno móvil) (...)
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  47. Pain as a Secondary Quality: A Phenomenological Approach.Alejandro Escudero-Morales - 2023 - Problemos 103:103-116.
    This work proposes that pain meets the requirements of being characterized as a secondary quality, as it covers, like a color, a determined extension. The argument seeks to establish a literal pain-color analogy through an inquiry into the intensity and location of the pain. From the classic intensity/location relationship reported by patients with acute appendicitis, three degrees of pain are distinguished: mild, moderate, and severe. The objective is only achieved by examining the Body’s extensional determinations (primary quality) insofar as each (...)
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    Using the International Pandemic Instrument to Revitalize the Innovation Ecosystem for Antimicrobial R&D.Andrea Morales Caceres, Kshitij Kumar Singh, Timo Minssen, Susan Rogers Van Katwyk & Steven J. Hoffman - 2022 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 50 (S2):47-54.
    The inclusion of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and increased research and development (R&D) capabilities in the most recent outline of the World Health Organization’s (WHO’s) international pandemic instrument signals an opportunity to reshape pharmaceutical R&D system in favour of antimicrobial product development. This article explains why the current innovation ecosystem has disadvantaged the creation of antimicrobial products for human use. It also highlights how the COVID-19 pandemic experience can inform and stimulate international cooperation to implement innovative R&D incentives to bring new, (...)
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    Lebret’s method and epistemological perspective for ‘human economy’ and ‘harmonized human development’.Jorge Arturo Chaves-Ortiz, Jonathan Cordero-Bonilla, María Leonela Artavia-Jiménez & Marcelo Valverde-Morales - 2021 - Journal of Global Ethics 17 (2):204-221.
    This article discusses L.-J. Lebret’s methodological and epistemological approach for the elaboration of the concepts of ‘human economy’ and ‘harmonized human development’. Both concepts were very...
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    Disgusted or Happy, It is not so Bad: Emotional Mini-Max in Unethical Judgments.Karen Page Winterich, Andrea C. Morales & Vikas Mittal - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 130 (2):343-360.
    Although prior work on ethical decision-making has examined the direct impact of magnitude of consequences as well as the direct impact of emotions on ethical judgments, the current research examines the interaction of these two constructs. Building on previous research finding disgust to have a varying impact on ethical judgments depending on the specific behavior being evaluated, we investigate how disgust, as well as happiness and sadness, moderates the effect of magnitude of consequences on an individual’s judgments of another person’s (...)
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